Series of interviews with Erik van Zoest about his resomatorium in Ommeren (The Netherlands)
maandag 6 november 2023
Dutch entrepreneur and funeral director Erik van Zoest recently opened the first fully functioning resomatorium in the Netherlands. Why did Erik have a resomator installed at a time when resomation is not yet permitted in the Netherlands, how does the industry respond, what are the opportunities and which parties are lobbying against the inclusion of resomation in the new funeral law? You will get answers to these and all other questions about resomation in this exclusive series about resomation.
The editors of visited Erik in his funeral home and resomatorium 't VijfdeSeason in Ommeren, Gelderland. We have made a series of four videos from the interview of approximately 45 minutes that deal with different themes. The videos will be launched on Fridays in the coming weeks. Today part 1.
Episode 1: Why?
In the first episode we talk to Erik about why he has already had a resomatorium built. What is the status of the new funeral law and when does Erik expect resomation to be made possible? Naturally, there is a lot of lobbying for resomation in The Hague, but there are also parties that are against it. Who are they and why do they not want resomation to be included in the new funeral law?
The series
The series consists of four parts and these are the themes:
Part 1: Why has the resomatorium already been built (even though resomation is not yet a legal option)? Which players are opposing the legalization of resomation, the new funeral law
Part 2: Sustainability
Part 3: How does the entire process of resomation work from the entry of the deceased into the resomatorium
Part 4: Industry Response
For more information about resomation (in Dutch) please visit resomatie