Columbarium services in Amsterdam

30 juni 2022

Vraag nummer: 65128

HI all,

I have rather unusual situation and wanted to ask your advise.
Apologies that I write in English, I hope it is okay.

I am Russian and live & work in the Netherlands. My brother died recently in France, and I am thinking if I can keep the urn close where I live or need to send it back to our home country Russia.

Could you please let me know if there is a chance to rent a box/location for the urn if the deceased was not a tax resident of the country? *he has never lived in the Netherlands.

many thanks, Olga


Sorry Olga for the late reply

You don't have to be a Dutch resident to keep the ashes in Holland
You can just go to any crematorium like

Wish you all the best.

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